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The conductivity meters measure the capacity of ions in an aqueous solution to carry electrical current. Since the ranges in aqueous solutions are usually small, the basic units of measurements are milliSiemens/cm (mS/cm) and microSiemens/cm (µS/cm).

Conductivity is used widely to determine the level of impurities in water supplies for domestic consumption as well as industrial use. Industries that employ this method include the chemical, semi-conductor, power generation, hospitals, food and beverage, mining, electroplating, pulp and paper, petroleum and marine industries.


With a microprocessor chip inside and all components of the apparatus jointed with SMT technology, the meter provides high performance levels and good stability.

Adjustable Cell Constant

Adjusts the reading on the display to reflect use of a cell with a constant.

Adjustable Temperature Coefficients
The TDS (Total Dissolved Solid) of certain samples, such as alcohols and pure water, are affected by changes in temperature.

An adjustable temperature coefficient allows the user to compensate for temperature changes on the solution being measured.

Meter automatically selects the appropriate range for measurement. There is no need to change the dial, multiply values on the display, or turn the potentiometer.

Temperature Compensation
A cell with a built-in temperature sensor allows the meter to make adjustments to the conductivity readings based on changes in solution temperature.

Large LCD Display
Large customized LCD with simultaneous display of the measured value is easy to read.

Selectable cell constants let you use k=1 cells for general purpose, k=0.1 cells for high purity water, or k=10 cells for brines or other concentrated solutions.